Movement Health Podcast and Webinars | Sparta Science

Dr. Phil Wagner featured on GSOF Podcast, SOFspot | Sparta Science

Written by Sparta Science | Dec 28, 2021 7:00:00 AM

SOFspot host Chelsea sat down with three men who have different experiences and perspectives with mental and physical health in the special operations community. She spoke to:

  • COL Mark Ray,  Director of USASOC’s Human Performance and Wellness program
  • Dr. Phil Wagner, the Founder and CEO of Sparta Science
  • Phil Gant, recently separated Special Forces and Director of Programs– Ft. Bragg for The Honor Foundation.

In the podcast they talk about how the body needs to be treated as a system, what makes a special operator both physically and mentally, and what people can do to reduce physical or mental health issues.

Listen to the podcast here